Do You Know Who You Are to God?

For the deepest satisfaction and joy, there’s nothing like following the Holy Spirit, amen? After working another late night, this morning I was trying to quiet my heart before God / wake up, and felt myself asking:
“Who am I to you, God?”
I know, but I guess I wanted to be reminded. (Maybe you will too ❤️)
“I am God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and because of Jesus Christ, I am yours forever. And you are mine. When you feel weary, reach out. Think of me. I will come to you and bring comfort and peace.” (See Psalm 91:15, Psalm, 48:14, John 3:16)
”Each day, you delight me, my child. I see you working hard. I see you giving your best. I see you trying hard. Accept my help too, it’s my free gift to you. Remember, my love. Life is not about accomplishing a task list and then seeking my approval. I don’t love you more if you do things perfectly. Simply, I love you. I love to do life with you. Thats why I made you, my child. For my glory, my glory alone.” (See Psalm 100:3, Isaiah 43:7)
”And in this next season too, you will bloom and bear fruit. Because you are connected to my vine. You love being mine, and I will bless you. Trust me to see you through.” (See John 15:5)
Later as I was worshipping to “Once Again” (Matt Redman), I was hit afresh with the reminder that God has truly already defeated the grave - because of Jesus, we get to have eternal life with him!
So whatever challenges we’re facing, whatever promises we’re waiting on, let’s keep this perspective at the heart of how we think, feel and act, amen?
Everything in the light of God’s glory.
*I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) - meditating on this today 🙏
We belong to God Almighty. Let’s check in with him and give him praise. Drop ❤️❤️ if you’re in.