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What Do You Think About When You Think About the Future?

Writer: Jenni LienJenni Lien

Christian graphic about following God by The Yay Project Jenni Lien

How often do you think about the future - like the future of the world?

As I was praying this morning, I saw an image of a super futuristic, high tech lab. And felt God remind me that many will be enamoured with this - science, technology, advancement, this view of the “future.” But as Christians, we must always remember that the future we’re most looking forward to is the one with Jesus. Not preserving our bodies, not travelling to Mars … no matter how enticing things get, may we always remember to not put our hope in false idols but in Jesus.

Jesus saves.

Nothing else.

My day started as it usually does with Bible reading. Now I’m in Numbers and the commentary on 5:3 said “The importance of purity extends from Leviticus to Numbers to the book of Revelation: All that is ceremonially unclean will be forbidden to enter the New Jerusalem where God resides (see Revelation 21:27).” And it got me thinking … I’m so excited for Jesus to return but then what?

Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on our immediate situations and short term goals. It’s natural perhaps, I mean we’ve all got a lot going on right now! But maybe spending some time praying over the future will help us keep our priorities straight now and in the times to come … and help us get excited too. What we see is not the end goal. As I was researching and studying this morning, I was reminded that heaven is not even the end goal.

“By all means, let’s tell people about the immense comfort of going to heaven when they die. Who can imagine that first moment when we see Jesus? But let’s also tell them this inexpressible climax is not the end. Heaven is not our final destination, but the first leg of a journey that is round trip (this is why our soul’s journey to heaven is called the “intermediate state”). Christians believe in the three R’s: the return of Christ, the resurrection of the body, and the restoration of all things.” - @thegospelcoalition

“In John 14:1–3, Jesus promises to “go and prepare a place” for us. Too many Christians stop there and miss that John later completes this thought. In Revelation 21:1–3, John sees that place, “the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God” so that “God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them.” Jesus does temporarily take us to be with him. But in the end, Jesus comes to earth to live with us. He is Immanuel, “which means ‘God with us’” (Matt. 1:23). Let’s stop reading that name backwards.” - @thegospelcoalition

Being with Jesus isn’t an abstract concept. We’ll actually get to do this and he’s given us clues on what this will look like. Let’s dig in, learn, pray, know what he’s already said and go deeper with him. Lord Jesus, help us get to know you more and more and more.


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