Waiting on God With No Agenda

I love you, Lord. Please open my eyes. I want to see you all around me. It’s my heart’s cry.
Take me deeper, I pray.
I love you, Lord. Have everything I do be an offering to you. Help me want what you want. Your timing, too.
Accept my offering, I pray.
Lord, I want to love you better.
Thank you for today. ❤️
My recent social media break was so, so good. Is there anything better than waiting on God? Laying down our agendas for his?
It’s been so good to remember that life may be busy, difficult, stressful, etc. But it’s not like God doesn’t know! He’s knows where we are. He knows what we’re going through. He knows what he’s doing in every season. And if we go to him, of course he’ll help us walk through.
Recently I had one of my “journal open, no agenda” types of sessions, where I just wait on the Lord (after Bible reading and worship), writing down whatever I sense him speaking to and showing me. It’s one of my favourite things to do - but honestly in the busyness of this season, I haven’t done it as much as I would like (sometimes it’s not just time that feels like an issue - but when emotionally exhausted, it can be so easy to turn to entertainment etc. instead of just sitting still and being honest before God.) As I waited, I felt God show me various things (including remind me that he knows everything that’s on my heart, things I’m aware of and things under the surface) but perhaps my biggest takeaway was that the more he gives, the more we have to give away.
whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:43-45, CSB)
Believe good things are coming.
God’s plans for our lives are great - so much better than we could ever imagine! When we’re blessed, may we remember who blessed us and how he wants us to live. Like our great King Jesus. Our perfect role model. What a joy it is to bow before him.
Comment “Thank you, Jesus! ❤️” below 🥰 Let’s passionately praise him today!!