This Year: Doing It All God’s Way

2023 is kicking off hard! For me… and for you? This episodes discusses various things from worship (us worshiping God, him ministering to us), pros and cons of laser focusing, podcast recommendations, the *essentialness* of understanding our rights as children of God, the beautiful pain/joy of going through God’s crushing into new wine, and love and encouragement to share your perfectly imperfect God-given journey, the highs and lows, the shiny and (seemingly) cringe, knowing that God’s truths shine through our cracks! This year, let’s try and do it *all* God’s way. There’s no time to waste — let’s not miss a day walking with our Lord. He is writing the most beautiful, impactful, wonderful story for you, because you’re part of his story. Rely on him to be all he made you to be.
New @yaypodcast episode: This 2023, Do It All God’s Way.
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
