Living with God's Supernatural Power

When the enemy brings up a sin from your past, he is talking about something non-existent. It’s completely legal for you to say, “I didn’t do that. The person who did that is dead. This person has never done that.” Either the blood of Jesus is completely effective, or it’s not effective at all. And it does not just wipe away the punishment so that when you die you don’t go to hell; rather, the blood of Jesus has the power to completely transform us into a new creation in Christ. Romans 9:38-39 says,
*For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
There is no power, no circumstance, no person, no demonic reality, no strategy of the devil, nothing in existence right now in heaven or on earth that can separate you from the love of God. But notice that although Paul mentions the present and the future, he doesn’t mention the past, because the past can separate you from your awareness of the love of God, if you let it become your present identity. Remember, Jesus bought your sin, not to bring it up again but to destroy it so you don’t have to think about it anymore.
Insist on your identity in Him. Let your heart be light with the realisation that His mercies are new for you each morning. You’ll not only be happier, you’ll be much more effective for the Kingdom.
@billjohnsonministries, The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind
Today I wasn’t feeling well and spent most of the resting in bed. I prayed, journaled, read, soaked and honestly poured out my heart to God. When things get busier, our time with God can get squished into a morning or evening quiet time. But I want to go back to how I used to be, remembering to invite God into every part of my day ... and as often as possible, spending as much time of my day with him as I can.
When we’re in love with a human, it’s so easy to want to spend every moment with them. We can ache for their presence when they’re away. That’s how I want to be with God more than any person. Whenever I’ve been in a relationship, I’ve always ached for the person more, I think. It can be hard to manage. But from here on out I want to live out Matthew 6:33 and truly live for God above all. Declaring now that my future marriage will prioritise loving God and carrying out his will (including having an excellent marriage, not to worry haha).
There is nothing like time with God to bring true joy to our souls. Praise you, Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit.
Praying you are all having a good week! May we all seek God, rest well, and stay healthy. ❤️