Introducing the You Are You Podcast

Logo by my amazing sister Rebekah Lien
“God? Please put me back together” was basically my heart’s cry for a few months before starting @the.yay.project.
One day I was in what seemed to be the most blessed season of my life. Then out of the blue, everything changed and I was left with not only a million questions but a million emotions … many of them bad! Hadn’t God told me my situation was right? How could things have gone so wrong? Was God even real? How could he let this happen? But I’d been in a rock bottom situation before, where I had carefully considered for the first time whether or not I really believed God was real. Then, while I wasn’t 100% sure, I believed I’d had enough experiences with something I was pretty sure was God. So I moved forward with 30% faith, and God met, guided and grew me in more ways I can count. So in this new, fresh, rock bottom season, I had a tantrum for 12 hours or so and then just gave in. God was real, I was 99% sure. So I needed him to take over.
I didn’t have anything left.

Imagine my surprise when God asked me to start @the.yay.project in the middle of all this heartbreak. Maybe two years prior he’d told me one day I’d write about faith and I was willing but had absolutely zero experience. Who would read it? Was I even qualified? What if I got my facts wrong? But my rock bottom season had quickly turned into a ‘I’ll do anything you want, God’ season so I just moved forward in faith.
Each day I’d have my quiet time and then just try writing one post at a time. No strategy, no big vision … just daily obedience. And it changed my life. Who knows how our personal reflections and downloads can resonate with sisters all over the world? Only through God. I know 100% that none of this would be possible without him.
To be honest, I don’t really ‘feel’ like writing anything unless I’ve spent time with God. I don’t have that many ideas for graphics unless I’ve prayed over them. But after time with God, I am so touched and often flooded with excitement; I want to tell the whole world how much I love him and how much he has done for me. My life isn’t perfect and I know it never will be on earth. And many days I need to absolutely cry out to God and soak in his promises to survive my day to day. But I truly have never been so happy or had more purpose.
I believe with 100% of my heart that there is no joy like enjoying our God-given design and living out our God-given purpose. God has shown me this in so many ways this past year and now I pray I can pass on these gifts to whoever wants to listen via the @yaypodcast.
*Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. (Psalm 66:16)
*He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. (2 Corinthians 1:4)
I have three dreams for @yaypodcast:

Jesus is coming back soon. When he does, I pray we run boldly to him knowing we lived our lives as best as we could. That we embraced who God made us to be, completed the plans he prepared for us, and praised his name boldly for we were not ashamed of the Gospel.
Check out the trailer here.