How To Find Meaning in Suffering

If we’re feeling weary this morning, shall we pray and ask God what he wants to do with our weariness?
This morning I woke up with a song about revival on my heart (Rend the Heavens - @rendcollective) but my heart also felt quite weary. Not sure why but as I worshipped and prayed, it sunk in that we can pray for strength. Let’s never take that for granted… we can pray for God’s strength and he will give it!
I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. (Ephesians 3:16)
After I worship and pray, often I then just lie still and see if God wants to speak. I mean I really ask God a lot of the time, like:
“God, I really need you. Please will you give me something special and strengthen me?”
We can be honest with our Father, right? 😌 And then I was reminded of a story I’d read awhile back in Acts:
The apostles left the high council rejoicing that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus. (Acts 5:41)
Sometimes we’re literally persecuted because of the Gospel but maybe God also allows us to suffer so we can better share the Gospel. God’s healing touch is life changing; he can strengthen the most tender, most hidden, most intimate parts of us. He’s unfathomably good… but sometimes, even after healing, we can start focusing on the suffering again rather than the goodness of God.

Today I pray we (and definitely I) remember that God is working everything for his good.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28)
The suffering might have felt unfair but we are blessed to be in God’s embrace. We are blessed to have him writing our stories. We are blessed that his love outweighs any suffering he allows. We are blessed he has a plan and we get to be part of it.
May we seek him, today and always, and ask him what he wants to do with our stories. It’s our joy to be his. ❤️
