Choosing Living Water Over Junk 'Food'

This summer, I’m taking an online course called Transformed led by @pastorrickwarren, with my church.
Last week, on physical health, he explained how junk can kill our appetite (my summary). This week, the topic is on mental health and I think the same principle applies.
Take loneliness for example. In this season of lock down / self isolation, many are separated from family, friends, colleagues. Usual busy routines have been pared back to essential outings only. As great as video chats and texts are, it’s not quite the same and probably not quite as frequent (e.g. 8 hours at the office isn’t being replaced by 8 hours of Zoom time!).
Relying on things like Netflix to fill the void might comfort temporarily but is it junk food? After binge watching something, we might not feel lonely anymore but was it the best way to spend our time? Talking to myself here, or rather God was nudging me on this as I worshipped this morning.
God has so much for us each and everyday.
My prayer has long been that I keep my ‘filter’ clean so I can hear him more clearly. I definitely notice a big difference when my head is free from secular TV shows, celeb news, etc. I used to struggle with these things, haven’t very much lately. But since my social interaction has been pared down so much (many cases in Hong Kong now, please join us in prayer!), this week I’ve found myself wanting to watch shows and read about people.
Our flesh might want junk food but let’s pray it craves living water more than anything. Only God truly satisfies. And it’s not like we spend time with him and receive nothing, right? We get to spend time with the living God! Time in his presence is such a gift. And he loves to give us gifts too, including but of course not limited to encouragement, comfort, wisdom, support. Maybe he’ll also give us more insight into his purpose for us this season or for our future. Maybe he’ll remind us to pray for our loved ones. Maybe he’ll lead us to a sermon or podcast that answers our prayers. Whatever he has for us, let’s not miss it by being distracted (saying this to myself today!). Let’s seek him wholeheartedly, showing him we truly believe that he is God Almighty and that it’s our greatest privilege to know and love him.
Pray this with me?
Lord, please help me to spend more time in prayer, worship and studying your word. I pray for a stronger passion for the things of you. I want to go deeper, so I can know you more. Lord, make this the greatest desire of my heart; more than any accomplishment, my goal is to know, love, obey, serve, enjoy you. Help me to stay focused, my eyes fixed on you, loving you with all I am. I’m so excited, God! I pray you take me deeper with you.
Thankful for this new day. 🥰