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Book Review: Names of God (Grace Fox)

Writer: Jenni LienJenni Lien

Recently, I met a girl in my small group who also previously worked in publishing. We bonded over our love of words and belief that—no matter how awesome digital options become—there will always be room in the world for more printed books.

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Names of God, with the subtitle “Living Unafraid,” is written by Grace Fox, a Canadian missionary and Bible teacher who is also a cohost of the popular Your Daily Bible Verse podcast and a writer with Proverbs 31 Ministries

When I was asked to review Grace's new book, my response was an immediate “Yes!” Reading is so healthy and, just as I think there will always be room for books, so will there always be new things to learn about God, amen? 

So one weekend, I knew I needed to make extra space for God's replenishment I opened the book intending to read one chapter... and then read nearly half the book in one sitting because I found it so interesting.

The book covers seven of God’s names, one per chapter:

  1. Yahweh (pronounced “YAH-way”), “I AM who I AM”

  2. Yahweh Tzidkenu (pronounced “tzeed-KAY-noo”), “The Lord Is Our Righteousness”

  3. Yahweh Rohi (pronounced “roh-EE”), “The Lord Is My Shepherd”

  4. Yahweh Yireh (pronounced “yeer-EH”), “The Lord Will Provide”

  5. Yahweh Tzevaot (pronounced “tzeh-vah-OAT”), “The Lord of Hosts”

  6. Yahweh Shammah (pronounced “SHAHM-mah”), “The Lord Is There”

  7. El Elyon (pronounced “ehl ehl-YOHN”), “Most High God”

Here are some of my favourite things about the book:

  • Grace’s clear, gentle, and comforting writing style

  • The reminder that God’s names describe who he is—the more we understand the meaning of his names, the more we’re able to trust him

  • Powerful end-of-chapter prayers 

  • Evidence that if we have breath, God’s not done—via many examples of later-in-life testimonies (including how God launched Grace’s writing career)

  • The encouragement to live like we “expect God to answer”

And here are some of my favourite exhortations from the book:

  • “Let’s yearn to know God. Let’s ask him to give us an unquenchable thirst for his Word and a hunger for the power of his Holy Spirit in our lives. Let’s be quick to repent from known sin so nothing can hinder our relationship with him” (From the chapter, "Yahweh Tzevaoat").

  • “‘The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure in his divine company, speaking humbly and lovingly with him in all seasons, at every moment, without limiting the conversation in any way’ [and] when you don’t feel like talking to him, simply enjoy silence in his company" (From the chapter, "Yahweh Shammah").

  • “Submitting to El Elyon’s supremacy doesn’t mean he’ll make us do what we fear and dread most. It means he changes our desires, dreams, and goals to align with his desires, dreams, and goals for us. But we must first be willing to let him have first place in our hearts … God does not take it lightly when we exalt our wants and wishes above his desires and directives for us. He is God, and we are not; and this order will remain throughout eternity” (From the chapter, "El Elyon").

Check out the book if you’re interested in diving deeper into God’s character! And if you’re interested in going through the book with your small group, don't miss the accompanying videos on Grace’s website (access via the QR code in the book).

Which of these names is standing out most to you today?

Any questions, comment below or send me a DM on IG. :) 


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