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Aug 11, 20222 min read
Learning to Welcome (Not 'Quench') the Holy Spirit During Tough Times
Have you ever heard someone say that we’re not to “quench” the Holy Spirit? It comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:19: Do not quench the Spirit. (1

Aug 11, 20222 min read
Prioritizing the 'Oil of Intimacy' (Matt. 25:1-13) as We Serve God
The other day, I was watching Mike Bickle’s sermon on the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Cultivating the Oil of Intimacy with the Bridegroom Go

Aug 11, 20222 min read
More Than Works: Life as God's Daughter, Not Employee
To be honest, one of things I was looking forward to this past Easter weekend was working. I like to think that I try and spend as much time

Aug 11, 20222 min read
Thanking God for Reminding Us to Give Thanks
When life disappoints us, may we see things from God’s perspective. 💥 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstance

Aug 11, 20222 min read
Preparing Our Hearts to Share the Gospel
Last night in small group, we discussed what the gospel means to us. A simple question perhaps but one I struggled to answer right away. Bec

Aug 11, 20224 min read
Megan Egenti, founder of Mrs.Egenti Ministries, based in Texas, USA
I remember the first time I read Megan's testimony on her blog, We'd been Instagram friends for a little while and I always l

Aug 11, 20225 min read
Staycation Review: St. Regis Hong Kong
Barely believe I get to share this (but why I suppose, of course God does miracles) but recently I had the opportunity to try the St. Regis

Aug 11, 20225 min read
Staycation Review: Kerry Hotel Hong Kong
If you’ve been reading The Yay Project for awhile, you’ve probably heard me talk about my ‘Saturday Staycations’ or 'Day Dates' with God. I’

Aug 11, 20223 min read
Staycation Review: Marco Polo Hong Kong
You know how some days you wake up with a song in your head? It’s not even necessarily your favourite song or anything but you just feel rem

Aug 11, 20227 min read
Cassandra Hooimeyer, owner of Wildergeese, based in Australia
If you've been following The Yay Project for a little while, you may have seen news of a Christian greeting card collaboration I did with an

Aug 11, 20226 min read
A Prayer Retreat at Four Seasons Hong Kong
Since last year, even before the Hong Kong protests and the pandemic, I’ve been setting aside most of my Saturdays to spend with God. We all

Aug 11, 20222 min read
How God Put My Heart Back Together
One year ago, almost to the day, my heart was broken. It was one of the hardest (if not the hardest) periods of my life but through it all I
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